june 30 2022
In a nebulous version of my high school (again). In this case, the dream is a series of repetitions of a scene wherein me and a large ground of students are gathered at the foot of a staircase in a large open foyer with a low ceiling. We mill about until some sort of starting time is reached, and then someone (people race to be the one to do this) rushes to a weird kiosk off to the left, which dispenses printed flyers of odd surrealist art, in addition to some electronic equipment. These are tools for enrolling people from the school-above-our-school in our club. We rush to distribute and tack up the flyers all over. Someone always takes up post at the bottom of the staircase to actually concretely enroll people using the electronic equipment (the mechanism was to step on it). Throughout the dream, this repeats, and each time I understand what is happening slightly more, and I start to make suggestions about how to improve the process. At some point it becomes apparent that this is all illegal, but never actually policed. Enrollments are constantly on the rise. One repetition was different. In it, I wandered off to the right, and there was a strange brightly lit area with a short craggy cliff with an enormous head carved from it, entwined with a huge tree-like wooden mass. I'm climbing up and around on the mass of branches behind the top of the head. Someone yells and I notice they're about to topple the head over, because it's old and they're making room. As they do so, the branches I'm clinging to are ripped away, and I fall a few stories. I'm perfectly fine. The dream ends when in one of the repetitions I decide to try to rush to be the one at the kiosk, but I feel embarrassed and can't fully commit myself to sprinting there. One of the ladies who ends up operating it walks over to me and hands me a flyer. I look at it and realize it is an image I've seen before. I'm never going to find it, but it's an image I've sent you - it's black and white and cartoony, with a bunch of surreal shapes surrounding a weird interpolation of a man in a trenchcoat. Then I woke up.